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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Saul Alinsky, Barack Obama, and Corey Booker Part 2

The best way to know a son is to study his father. Spiritually we should look like our heavenly father as Christians to reflect His glory. With that premise we can analyze the president as well as other card carrying progressives by focusing on their beloved leader and what he believed and how he acted. Here are a list of his rules and we are going to pick out some scriptures to juxtapose against these rules. In the end we should start to have a picture of progressives most notably Barack Obama.

“Lest we forget at least an over –the- shoulder acknowledgement to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history…the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom- Lucifer.” Saul Alinsky
“Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” Saul Alinsky

Genesis 3:1 “Now the serpent was more cunning then any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, “You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?”

The statement by Alinsky reveals the roots of his revolution being deception  and not power. This is exactly a tactic of our adversary the devil. Notice that the serpent was only more cunning then the other beasts of the field. The enemy did not have even any power over man at that point.  Genesis 3:1 tells us that in the beginning all the enemy had was lies and deception and the power and kingdom that Alinsky talks about that Satan “won” he actually stole which is also at the root of this progressive movement stealing something that they cannot win but must have because they hate God’ s ordering of things.

“Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.” Saul Alinsky

“Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength and the kingdom of our God and he power of His Christ have come for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night , has been cast down.” Revelation 12:10

First of all Glory be to God for this verse! I also want to focus on what satan did all day and night. He accused the brethren, essentially he told God what Alinsky is saying to do to us as Christians. The tactic is to keep us on the defensive by getting our mind off of God’s grace and focused on legalism therefore neutralizing our power. This again speaks to my first point that Alinsky and our adversary the devil must steal power and misdirect the real power of the Christian to neutralize what God can do. This movement has no power in and off itself to create anything much like their father the devil they can only accuse, ridicule and lie!

“A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. Man can sustain militant interest in any issue for only a limited time..” Saul Alinsky

“They have power we have people..” Saul Alinsky

John 10:27,”My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me”

I brought this up to bring up the difference in character between these people and followers of the one true God. The two statements here are about people from a perspective of a scientist studying people at best. At worst it is the observation of their weaknesses and desires to exploit them for their own gain. Is this not what Satan did in the beginning? The cunning serpent exploited Adam’s aloofness towards his responsibilities and Eve’s lack of remembrance of God’s only statute at the time. Remember God had told them not to eat of the tree, and Eve’s response was to the serpent was that they were not to eat or even touch it. Where did the touch part come in? God never told them that. The serpent had found his opening to exploit them and steal power on this earth from man and he did.

My point is that much like their father the devil these progressives do “have people” that they neither know about or care about. They only “have” these people because of what their father the devil stole in the garden of eden or more accurately what man naively surrendered at the garden because of their sin. What was surrendered was temporary management of this planet a slumlord of sorts. It is also important to note that the power that satan temporarily holds was never won in any way it was connived and even with all of his tricks if man was obedience to God’s command in the garden their would have been nothing he could do about being cast down and made to serve man in the beginning. Understanding this helps you understand why Progressives constantly lie, deceive, accuse and agitate. Because they have no real power and the only illusion of power they do have comes from exploiting weakness.

Lastly, I want to point out the differences in the wording between how Alinsky talks about people and how God talks about people. Alinsky says they “have” people and in John chapter 10 the Lord refers to his people as “My Sheep”. The difference is subtle but important to understand. For instance you probably have a broom and dustpan in your house somewhere. Let’s say your wife asked you to get the broom and dust pan. Would she ask you to get “the” broom and dust pan, or “my” broom and dust pan? She probably would ask you to get “the” broom and dust pan, and depending on her mood may call it something else as well! What is the difference you ask? Let me ask a couple of other questions. Is the broom and dust pan something you need? Yes. Is it something that you think about even while you are using it? Probably not. In regards to your children when the mother wants her husband to pick up the children she would probably ask him to pick up “her” or “our” children. It is obvious that the personal nature of my and ours connotates a meaning of importance that is given to the children. That’s why we name our children watch our children to make sure they are growing properly because they are ours and we know their names. My point is if you look closely at what these people say they will tell on themselves and this is an illustration of that point. People are tools of no more importance then a drill or a saw that is necessary for their goals. Just like a drill or a saw’s value is predicated on it’s ability to work for you so are the people on the progressive plantation. Moreover they are traded in for newer models constantly, with even less loyalty then you have to your drill or saw.

Alinsky and his progressive followers are telling us who they are when you put the scripture up against them. One more point on this subject. The enemy and Christ both understand one thing about people. The enemy and the Lord Jesus Christ both understand human weakness. That’s why Alinsky warned not to stay on one subject too long, he understood that men are weak lacking in diligence and easily distracted much like a sheep. Our Lord understands that too but rather then exploit our weakness our savior saves us, gives us a new name, remakes us in His image and watches with great intent and compassion every step of His children’s journey home to Glory. Alinsky’s disciples see people as the only tool to get power that they cannot win and should not have and in the end they destroy the lives of the people they pretend to care about.

Job 1:9-11: So satan answered the Lord and said, “Does Job fear God for nothing?” “Have You not made a hedge around him, around his household, and around all that he has on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land.” “But now, stretch out Your hand and touch all that he has, and he will surely curse Your to Your face!”

This verse says a lot of things but the spirit showed me something about this passage I had not thought of until I began this writing project. Satan is essentially complaining about the fact that God is more powerful then he is and therefore he cannot have the authority over people’s lives. This story was not just about a man named Job it was also an illustration of who God is (more about that in Job 38) and who the enemy is. Satan first of all complained that God protecting Job was unfair. Remember Job was wealthy well respected and protected on all sides by the sovereign Lord. In the spiritual realm this scenario is true for all believers but for some like Job it was manifested in physical wealth as well. Wealth being proof of spiritual wisdom and obedience was common in Old Testament times, and despite the abuse of that truth by the Pharisees and others who loved money and not God, there was evidence that the Lord did that through men like David, Job, Solomon, Abraham and his immediate children and grandchildren. This can still happen today, however when we accurately see the Old Testament of a picture of things to come first of all Jesus and secondly the fulfillment of the kingdom in His Glory at the second coming, we can see that the wealth was a picture of the Lord’s wealth and His coming kingdom not a get rich quick scheme.

That side bar was free, but the point is that God has everything and gives liberally to whom He desires and satan doesn’t like it. He doesn’t like it not just because he wants power. The reason he wants power is because he hates the Lord’s ways, His laws, His grace, His love and on and on and on!

When progressives talk about the haves and the have nots, the 1%, homosexuals, minority groups, the homeless, and any group that can be exploited they are not desiring justice for these groups they are just using the same tactics of deception like their father the devil. Not just hating the ordering of society they hate the one who ordered these things. The argument is that all the groups they pretend to represent are destitude because of a group of people in power that are not righteous and don’t deserve their position in society. They convince their followers that the system is unfair and the deck is stacked against them by an elite few who are evil. The deception is that their rules tell us that they do not love the people they represent, they actually love and admire the ones they pretend to hate because the power that these people have is their real motivation. This does not mean that all people in power who are rich on this earth are righteous or even honest in some cases, however the Bible tells us that the Lord is in charge of who is in charge. Therefore we must go back to their rules and what they stand for to continue to be discerning about who these people are. We cannot get baited into their arguments about the people progressives are using.

We just need to remember that everything these people fight against is righteous and everything they love is not righteous outwardly. Moreover, take notice they are taking things a step further by redefining what and who is considered righteous and noble in our society  by making up new rules for what righteousness is. In a nutshell this last paragraph is the explanation why these people focus on changing the narrative or dialogue and diversity. What they really mean is they desire to change the rules and place people who believe what they believe where they want them. They seek to play God! Isn’t that what Satan does! Does he not manage this world that sin has destroyed until the rightful King Jesus Christ comes to take His children home and clean this mess up!

I said all of that to ask a question. Are these the beliefs and tactics that represent people like Barack Obama or people like Corey Booker? My answer to that question is that these rules, tactics and beliefs (or actually lack of beliefs,) paint a picture of people like Barack Obama not Corey Booker. Even if people like Mr. Booker really are questioning the methodologies of the President I don’t think it is enough to derail the progressive train that has owned the democratic party. The Lord can save anyone, however we must be honest and evaluate who these people really are and unfortunately we have to see that they are in power now and that probably means the end of our system of government. However there could be a significant spiritual movement of the Lord that is brewing in the test case for progressives, the black community and it may begin with people like Corey Booker raising logical objections about what they see. Again to reiterate I am not saying that Corey Booker would or would not agree with my opinions and evaluations, however I do think his comments represent a ground swell in the black community that may have huge spiritual ripples. I think we are on the verge of a spiritual awakening that frankly could possibly be unnoticed by the political elite. After all they are in power now so they don’t need the black community to use and exploit anymore so naturally they could care less of some wander off the democratic plantation to the Lord Jesus Christ.

All of this evil brought by progressives could be reversed by our Lord and Savior into a great harvest, but this harvest movement will go unnoticed by most folks in Washington, but it could be an exciting time for the believer. Thanks for bearing with me and muddling through these last two entries. The third will be the good news of what I believe is to come!