I was hoping to be a little more excited when I wrote this last part. Then the Supreme Court made a legal stretch that would be laughable if it wasn’t true! So on the day when freedom officially died in America let’s move on to some real hope! In one of my earlier writings I said that I didn’t think what I believe to be a spiritual revival coming would reach the power brokers in Washington now I am just about convinced that it won’t. This opening statement doesn’t have much to do with the substance of what I am attempting to communicate however I would be remiss not to mention something about a very important day politically and spiritually for America. So with all of this as a backdrop and the previous two writings setting the table let me show you what I believe to be a genuine work of the Lord that is brewing, but you’re going to have to be in it to notice it!
I think that it is a self evident truth that as individuals we only change when faced with the truth that we are totally depraved. Sometimes that reveals itself by being arrested, divorce, financial ruin, drug addiction, failed career, depression and many other symptoms of sin. I think most of us focus on the symptoms of sin rather then sin itself. That is the paramount reason for the variety of support groups we have for whatever symptom of sin the person has that is the worst and causing the most damage. I can admit that is how I dealt with things in the beginning when there was acknowledgement on my part of something wrong. However, focusing on the symptom just made sin rise up in other areas of my life and the fight seemed to never end. Until I realized that these things I was doing was the evidence of who I was at my core. It meant that I was deceived about myself sinning was not what I had done it was the core of who I was! The anomaly was not the sinful symptoms but rather the anomalies in my life were anything that was not sinful. The wreck that I had made my life was only half way to beginning a journey to the kingdom of God. I needed to accept why this had happened to begin with. The answer was that I had allowed myself to be deceived in every area of my life, not because I was a victim but rather it was easier to accept whatever anyone was telling me rather then thoroughly read the Word of God, which frankly I couldn’t make heads or tails of years ago.
I think this process happens to individuals and communities at large. I believe we are nearing a tipping point in people’s lives to where groups of people are going to come to the same individual revelations that the Lord allowed me and many others to already have. I am not sure it will effect to a large degree a political shift towards conservative values, ending gay marriage, overturning Roe V. Wade, etc. This will not be a move that will have massive ramifications for the power establishment in this kingdom. However God’s kingdom is going to be advanced. I believe the realization that I had about being self deceived will happen in the lives of people in the black community. The responsibility of the church is to bolding juxtapose the Bible to what these progressives have taught their followers all these years. Most notably that these people that have pretended to be so benevolent and loving are wolves in sheep’s clothing, both in the pulpit and Washington. I think the realization by some that they have been deceived could bring the brokenness necessary for true redemption. Therefore this could cause tumult in people’s lives as the Lord’s truth invades the lives of communities, but out of that genuine revival will occur.
I think this will begin and to some degree already has in the black community. The reasoning is simple. The black communities church has been invaded by these people for the longest period of time, therefore the stench of what these progressives do to families, neighborhoods, local economies is more profoundly evident here then anywhere else. However, the rest of the country is quickly following suit.
The evidence of this change on the ground from my perspective is not rooted in what I see in the news but rather what I have seen from individual people. I have had some really meaningful exchanges with blacks and other long time democrats and have been encouraged to see that some are receptive to new ideas or more accurately old ideas that are new to one who finally receives them. I have observed fair minded people that have traditional identified themselves as democrats or liberals with pride begin to question what is going on politically. Christian’s like myself that pay attention politically and speak about the people and ideas that are behind liberals have to understand that the people you are witnessing to do not spend any time thinking about Saul ALinsky, Marxism and what the Bible has to say about them. I am convinced that outside of card carrying progressives there are blacks especially that really have believed in the outward face of the democratic party. They believed that the democrats who showed up in their communities and at times co-oped their churches really where crusading to make the world better for everyone. Now they are starting so see people like Jackson and Sharpton show their true colors and completely discard any resemblance of Christianity. The black community has always been deeply spiritual as anyone can clearly see. However it has been zeal without knowledge because the Bible was replaced by these demagogues and their pastors in the black church. The ramifications have been broken families and dead churches, a pattern that has successfully invaded many more churches as well.
The good news is if we as Christians can accurately and powerful make the case for the Bible the people that really had good intentions will receive with gladness the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ and will advance the gospel. I think we are seeing seeds of it already. There is a resurgence of sound doctrine in what would normally be liberal non Bible based churches. However I don’t think what we have seen is near what a real move of God will be. The reason that I don’t think that we will notice it because I don’t see it being accompanied by the mega ministries that we are used to seeing.
It will however be political. Christians who think that politics don’t matter are dead wrong. Progressives have completely taken over churches in the black community. With false teachers abounding,the rest of the church is quickly following suit. Therefore the evidence of a change will be a stark turning away in the black community from Progressive ideas politically. Because those ideas ARE the church in the black community (not totally, but pretty close). When this happens individuals and communities whose heart has been stirred by the Holy Spirit will take notice and come to faith in Jesus Christ. Then why will this not affect anything in Washington you ask? Progressives already have the power they need so they don’t need the people anymore. Therefore it will not matter to the elite if some unimportant people in their mind come to faith in Jesus Christ and run off the democratic plantation.
The bottom line is that there is good news coming for those in Christ Jesus and not just evidence that we will be home soon. I think the church will finally exist as it was intended and genuine fellowship will ensue. However you will probably have to forsake everything and that means rejecting the mega church superstars that are a stumbling block for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There is so much evidence of Christ moving in the hearts and minds of people that I can scarcely follow it. So I am content to write about the small sliver that I have observed in one community. I would encourage believers everywhere to seek out the move that is nearest to your heart.