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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Job Application

The other day I was online looking for work in my area, which is still a struggle. You gotta love that hope and change! Sorry about the sarcasm, but  sometimes you gotta laugh to keep from crying, anyway I digress!  I came across a website that had an article to give you some pointers on what to say and what not to say in an interview. It also gave some advice on what to put into your resume and how to answer certain questions. A couple of things that I read gave me some food for thought and made me think about some larger questions about how we approach our God and how we apply for a job. What was being conveyed by the article made me think about how different the Bible’s message is to a sinful world.

The consistent message was not to appear desperate because your zeal for a job is actually a turn off to employers. One of the pieces of advice given was to not say that you are willing to do anything or take any amount of money. The employer wants you to place an adequate range for salary and position that is reasonable and fair to both parties and allow for some negotiation on the subject. The next suggestion was about when to follow up with a perspective employer after the interview. The recommendation given was to not be overzealous and follow up too quickly or too frequently. The message is consistently to place your best foot forward, negotiate from a position of strength, and don’t act like you are in need of the job. To be fair I understand that the job market is competitive and you have to compete for those jobs; and that is the way it should be in terms of things that need to be competitive in nature. My larger point is about whether or not we approach the Lord with the same way that we seek employment.

The Bible gives us a lot of examples from Isaiah to David’s lamentation in the Psalms to Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus; where the response to God’s glory is falling prostrate, humbled and desperate in their pleadings  before a Holy God.  Obviously I am not suggesting you act in this manner  before your perspective employer in an interview! You would be escorted out of the building and someone might suggest some couch time with Dr. Phil! What I am saying is that we must not try to act shrewdly like we do in the world when we are dealing with God.

The world may not like desperation but our Lord and Savior seeks out those at the foot of the cross who plead for their salvation. In short don’t apply for a job in the Kingdom of Heaven in the same manner as you would apply for a position here is this fallen kingdom.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Behavior Modification

 What has become of the glorious story of the redemptive power of the gospel?  I was lead to write about this subject due to a conversation that I was a part of at Samaritan’s Purse some time back. I have also been thinking about what is being passed off as the gospel by some of the pastors in America and whether it is the genuine artifact or merely a form of behavior modification. I am going to begin with some musings on the subject of behavior modification and why I believe that it is not the gospel that we read about in the New Testament.
First of all I need to explain what I mean by the phrase behavior modification and why I believe that this is something that is the result of Christianity but not the core of the message of the gospel. I would like to share a quick story to illustrate what I am talking about in regards to the subject. I was recently involved in the afore mentioned conversation at Samaritan’s Purse working on the Operation Christmas Child project. On the first day of the project we were all in a group and the team leader posed a question to us to answer. He wanted each of us to fill in blanks of this statement which was: I was once blank and now I am blank. The first step was to think about what had changed in our lives we were then asked to volunteer a quick testimony about the change. An important side note is that it was safe to assume that not all the people in this group were saved. Two people spoke up with similar stories about previous alcohol and drug lifestyles that they no longer are involved in. Both parties began to tell about how much of that life they were involved in. Essentially they began to tell what I like to call “war stories”  that seemed to glorify wretched behavior. Now at that moment I could not conclude if they were saved or not, of course to be fair I did not have enough information to make a conclusion about their salvation nor would they have enough about me; even if I shared a similar story. I must admit however I was a little troubled about there stories: mainly because I have heard similar stories from others that are no longer involved in drug or alcohol centered lives, but were clearly not saved. One of the reasons I was suspect of their testimony was the focus on their old lifestyle I have mentioned above. When the weight of one’s testimony is geared more towards who they were and not who they are now it makes me wonder if their really is a change in who they are now. The focus is more on the individual then the savior when you have a cavalier attitude towards old sin. The other reason I was concerned about the legitimacy of their conversion   is that over the years I have found myself steering away from my “war stories” because my testimony was not what I was but what I am now. Now all of this does not mean that these people were not saved because I certainly am not going to make an evaluation of someone based on what they said for 60 seconds. Nor does this mean that I think testimonials similar to this are void of value and antithetical to the gospel message.  However, these stories and some actions that I noticed from these two people since then made me wonder whether they were saved. It also caused my mind to think about a deeper issue about whether someone’s abstinence from certain sins was a testimony of Christ  or was certain sinful  behaviors merely modified.   Clearly the removal of these overtly sinful acts will happen when one has been redeemed by Christ. However, is this a causal or corollary relationship in regards to salvation. Let’s look at it not starting from the gospel but rather beginning from the change of a particular behavior. Let’s begin with two statements of fact. Fact one is that there are thousands of people who were once abusing drugs and alcohol (you can plug in whatever you want here in terms of the sin my focus is on man’s heart of sin not on drugs or alcohol) and no longer do so. Fact two is that not all of these people have been saved by the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore it is logical to conclude that the removal of the abuses of drugs and alcohol is not always the result of a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Now let’s beginning our thinking from the side of true salvation from the Lord Jesus Christ. All who are truly saved through the Lord Jesus Christ cease and desist from these lifestyles, meaning they turn away from the desires of old which is something a non believer will never do. Notice I said lifestyles and not particular sins, it is clear that all still struggle with some things that are sinful after salvation but they are not immersed in all the lifestyle that surrounds these sort of sinful habits, this is an important distinction because we do not want to be legalist and overexamine others because of a struggle that they have, but we may not have. To be balanced we also do not want to turn the truth of God’s grace into a lie by allowing all things into our lives due to an expectation that God will condone our behavior. In short we do not want to legitimize sin as something to be lived with. My point is that the abstinence from an outward symptom of sin in and of itself  is not always evidence of a transformed life but if the transformation by the gospel did occur you would not just see these things removed you would see other spiritual things in their place. Only the true gospel can produce a life that abhors these behaviors not merely staying away from them. However I will concede that  in the beginning of a believer’s walk  just the abstinence from the behavior is important, but it is not the source or substance of what has changed internally.
  The reason that certain lifestyles are appalling to the believer is that there soul has been awakened and grieved by sin for the first time. A believer is not just tired of the consequences they are tired of sinning against their master. This is deeply personal to the believer when they sin and the cause of much grief in their soul. This new found agonizing over sin is unique to the believer and an assurance of a changed heart. Therefore if one has stopped certain sinful habits and not grieved by all sin one can come to one of two solid conclusions. They are either not saved or they are not mature in the Lord.  Therefore the first conclusion that we can make from this is that salvation always produces spiritual change and grief about sin, but the removal of certain sin does not always assure one of their salvation.
The next issue is why I think the background information of the previous paragraphs is important to understand. This is important because the focus on peripheral sins and not the heart changed and grieved by sin can do two things that are equally damaging. For the non believer it can bring a horrible false sense of security that can have disasterous and irrevocable results for the one who is deceived in regards to their eternal resting place. Oh how my soul grieves for those who think that they are secure merely because a few things that are sinful do not hold them as they once did, but they do not grieve sin they merely grieve the pain that was caused by their sin and are now functioning members of society but not redeemed.  It is much harder to share the gospel with someone who already thinks they have it then to share it with one who never knew it. The damaging part for the believer is a dreadful focus on certain things in your life rather the spirit of God which is the only qualified candidate to change these things. For instance if the focus of your walk is not on the kingdom and God and telling others about that same kingdom you can enslave yourself to a life full of the agonizing over each individual sin and be totally  empty in regards to the spirit capable of healing you if that sin. It seems to be merely a difference in perspective for the believer, but it is vitally important to get that perspective correct if you desire a spirit filled life following your Lord and Savior. The deeper reason why this troubles me is rooted in the great and might power of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and how the perversion of that causes so much destruction. I fear that we are now believing in a gospel that says that the God of the universe came to just make our current lives better and more compatible with the current world! Do we really believe that the change of a few destructive behaviors was all the work the Gospel had to do?  Do we now believe in a gospel that fixes certain conditions and does not radically and fundamentally change everything about us?  Do we not believe that all of us needs to be transformed to prepare us for the Kingdom to come? I am clearly writing from a point of view that states that there is an insufficiency of what I perceive to be at best a diluted gospel being taught and practiced  and at worst no gospel at all. So in order to examine whether I’m right or not we must first analyze what the scripture says about all humanity, what the solution is and what is this Kingdom that is to come (all of this is embedded in the Gospel message.)
 In order to tackle these questions we must start from the beginning in Genesis and explain what the Bible says about life before and after the fall of man and what changes took place as a result of that fall. To begin we must  know what Adam was given by God in Genesis chapter 1. We find the answer in verses 26,29-30.
Then God said, “ let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food. Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that  creeps on the earth in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food;” and it was so.”
 Now I could talk about everything in here for a very long time, but I just need to make a few points that should be common to any believer but are worth mentioning for purposes of review and perspective. It is clear through these passages that God gave man all authority over the earth even down to naming the animals and in addition to that he had communion with God uninterrupted by any sin for he was not born into sin and was made in the very image of our Holy God. The dominion that man had been given by God over what He created was further illustrated by the enemy taking the form of a serpent, something that Adam had dominion over. I am not sure that this means that Satan’s power was not as strong because the fall had not happened yet. I believe that to be a logical conclusion and take that perspective, but I will leave that issue for you to think about. He did however have to take a form of a creature that Adam had named and had been given authority over. This is in stark contrast to the story of Jesus temptation in the gospel of Luke where Satan was far more bold in his blasphemy towards our Savior.  I promised I would not camp out on this subject so I won’t but my point is that Adam had an amazing opportunity to commune with the almighty without sin and had all authority to rule the earth that God had given to him.
So what happened after Adam fell. Well the first and most damning consequence was the legacy of sin that was instituted through Adam. That tragic choice doomed all mankind to be born under sin, and they could not do anything about the condemnation that they are under. Now, most people Christian or not understand this at least to some degree and therefore understand that Jesus Christ needed to pay that debt on the cross for salvation, but what was the other horrible result of the fall? The lose of the dominion over the earth. Adam was the crown jewel of God’s creation and was made without the taint of sin and therefore could commune with the Lord and rule over what the Lord had given him. After the fall that dominion was transferred to Satan. The scripture describes Satan as the adversary of God and the prince and the power of the air. Also in the New Testament when Jesus is tempted by Satan in Luke chapter 4 God does not tell Satan that he could not give these kingdoms that he said he could give to Jesus. Therefore we can be assured that a transfer of power was also the result of the fall. Satan is now the prince of this earth. Does that mean that he rules the earth, no! A prince can rule over the king’s subjects but he is just as much under the authority of the king as any other subject in a kingdom. What did however happen is that the kingdom of darkness that all men are born into was set in motion by man’s sin.
I would like to make one more point from the New Testament before I tie this all together. In Mathew  4:17 it reads;
“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
And Mark 1:15 it reads;
“The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand, Repent, and believe in the gospel.”
These two statements are the first words recorded from Jesus public ministry after the temptation by satan that I mentioned above in Luke 4. We also know that John the Baptist was the one prophesied about in the Old Testament that was to make the ways straight for the coming of the King our Lord Jesus Christ and the gospel that he preached was the gospel of repentance. Therefore, we can see from Genesis that we have a sin problem and that the only step man is given by God in the New Testament is to repent literal meaning to turn away or go another direction. What direction you ask are we to go? We are to go towards the kingdom that is at hand. We now see that Jesus Christ rising from the dead instituted the kingdom that we as believers are headed for and the Holy Spirit has confirmed it in our hearts and we have testimony from the scripture that the kingdom will come into it’s fullness in the future! Now that is a powerful gospel!  Now you should understand by now why an understanding of the beginning of the Bible can help shed some light on what Jesus is saying about this Kingdom He speaks of. We cannot comprehend the majesty of what that Kingdom will be, of course the majesty of almighty God can never be understood by men in the finite sinful state that we are in today. However, we can understand that there is a kingdom to come simply based on the understanding that God has saved us from a previous kingdom, that of darkness. If we understand that sin instituted a sinful kingdom of darkness then the coming kingdom of God that we will once come in fullness makes a little more sense. This is why it is vital to understand clearly our condition before God and what state we were in before being redeemed or bought out of our sin. How can we even logically begin to understand to concept of God’s kingdom if we don’t fully grasp that His salvation purchased us from a previous kingdom of darkness?
Now it’s time to wrap this all neatly together. I know it seemed a little illogical at first , but I hope you can see where I am going with this by now. If someone has a finite and small view of this infinite and large gospel and far more infinite and large author of that gospel then that will translate into how they live their life. We tend to minimize or compartmentalize what we don’t understand and that has happened to us as believers. I am not just speaking out to others, I am further reminding myself that this insufficient gospel was one I once put faith in. I remember speaking of previous sins that did not exist in my life anymore and ignored the fact that others just creeped up into their place. I knew my soul was not filled by the Holy Spirit and I never spoke of the depravity of sin or the glory of a coming kingdom, because I had no clue about any of these things. Yet I thought I was assured of my place with the savior in my mind because I said a prayer  years ago. The scripture tells us over and over again in the New Testament of our assurance of salvation and what that power was and I largely ignored and was blinded to that truth. My behavior in a certain area was modified and I was better equipped to be successful in this world and therefore thought that I had a relationship with an omnipotent and Holy God. If you think about that from the proper perspective you can see how irrational that last statement was. After all there is a multitude of resources outside of Jesus Christ to modify a variety of behavioral problems and yes you can have some worldly success in those areas. I know a lot of people that are no longer acting like they did years ago, but is that the goal of the gospel? How could that be? Wouldn’t it be totally irrational for God the Father to send His Son to fix a problem that man could fix on their own? If you rest your eternity on the resolution of a few isolated symptoms of the larger problem of sin then what you do you really believe? It seems to me that what you believe in is a God that needed to merely help you not save you!  What I am saying is this, if you do not view Jesus Christ’s work on the cross as transformational, sufficient for all needs and the only hope for a blind and hopeless mankind, then you believe in man made religion.
Another New Testament example of a life transformed and not merely modified comes from Paul and his masterpiece on the difference between true Christianity and behavior merely modified comes to us from Romans mainly in chapter 6 and 7. Beginning in chapter where he breaks down why the Gnostic crowd or our modern day easy believism crowd is no gospel at all. We already know from Stephen’s death in the book of Acts when Paul agreed to his execution what dreadful legalism can do and what it can unearth in man’s wicked heart. Stephen’s death testifies what man’s rules and attempts to be justified can lead to, and that is no gospel at all. Now we can fight these battles of theology, however just becoming the anti apostate church and fighting that battle against easy believism or legalism is still not the fullness and purpose of the church. As I alluded to in the first paragraph this life is deeply personal to the believer far removed from legalism, or a gospel inept and truncated in it’s reach because of the focus on the symptoms of sin and not the root cause, which is us. Paul so eloquently touched on this in Romans chapter 7 when he lamented the wicked body of death that enslaves him. Even as a mature spirit filled believer the stench of the kingdom that he was delivered from is evident in his flesh as well as the world around him. The tie in to Genesis is that the pain of the conflict within is the result of what was lost in the garden and the very reason for why this life that we are to walk in with Christ is so hard because, we surrendered anything good inside of us when we fell in the garden. Paul was feeling and speaking about this pain thousands of years later in Romans. Further driving home the point that we don’t need to stop drinking, stop smoking , stop committing adultery, and so on and so on! We need to realize that the cross is a testimony against our sin and that these sins are symptoms of a heart bent on sin. Moreover the focus on certain sins is not admitting the truth it is continuing in the lie. The legalist and the easy believer don’t realize that they share a common bond o this subject. Neither believe they are the problem they believe what comes into us is the problem. That is not the gospel! Jesus told us that what defiles a man is what comes out of the man not what goes in! He is telling us that the reason we have a sin problem is not outside circumstances but rather the outward expressions of sin are proof that inwardly that is what you desire. Therefore the denial of that truth will cause you to continue in the very acts that you say you desire to change. Essentially anything you desire for your life spiritually you will not get apart from the gospel because you are not capable of spiritual things and moreover if you are honest with yourself you will find that you don’t even truly desire the things you say you do. Your behavior is merely modified.
I was once one who tried to fight my own symptoms of sin one by one and failed everytime! My behavior was modified but It was not due to the gospel and frankly it wasn’t even permanent. Needless to say the symptoms kept coming back because they were just symptoms of my real problem, ME! Well it’s time to wrap this up before I start rambling so goodbye and God bless!   

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Are You a Racist?

Here is an issue that has permeated our society. Everyone has an opinion and most everyone would freely admit that they are not racist. I am here to say that I may be one. Already I have enflamed tensions inside you! Preconceived ideas about who I am and what I believe are swirling in your head! Why is this word so divisive and where did it come from? I have heard preachers in churches that I love and respect talk about what the Bible has to say about racism usually involving the Good Samaritan story and the overarching principle of the Lord’s grace and love being available through the blood of the cross for all mankind. I will contend that none of this has anything to do with the term racism. As a matter of fact the Bible says nothing at all about racism nor does any other religion under the sun. Now I know you think I am completely ignorant and crazy, but hang on and let me explain. Let’s unpack the whole modern conception of the term by evaluating where the term came from. It may surprise people to realize that the term does not exist in the English language until 1936. The description of what was done by the Nazi Regime is where it came from. It is important to remember what was the bedrock of Hitler’s horrible regime? It was socialism (more on that later because this new “ism” of racism is directly related to it). Hitler did not start off as a tyrant, quite the contrary he was someone the German people thought would bring hope. He built German infrastructure, created Volkswagen, paved roads, promised free health care and a new economic recovery for an impoverished German people. In order to have power he needed someone to blame for all of Germany’s problems and that fell on the Jews (or the wealthy). Thus the term racist was born. Socialism became a dictatorship and the worst mass killing of a single race of people in modern history was about to unfold. Since part of Hitler’s devious nature was to have a “master race” the term was easily coined.
Now that we have a little background let’s dig further into this discussion by defining the term with two modern definitions of the term. Here are two from Webster’s and the World English dictionary.
racism or racialism  (ˈreɪsɪzəm, ˈreɪʃəˌlɪzəm)
the belief that races have distinctive cultural characteristics determined by hereditary factors and that this endows some races with an intrinsic superiority over others
abusive or aggressive behaviour towards members of another race on the basis of such a belief
racialism or racialism
A belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
A policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
Hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Let’s break down the definition and see where we stand on this issue. Now let’s remember that the term has not existed for most of human history and even a third of the way through the 20th century. This is particularly relevant while we are evaluating the terms perceived far- reaching moral implications. Both definitions allude to a belief in differences culturally in different races. Now this part of the definition is where people get tripped up that are conservative. Now personally I do believe different people have different gifts from the Lord and there are differences in what we desire to achieve and culture and family play a role in that. No I do not believe that the desires that some have are based upon societal expectations I do believe people are different in certain areas.  I believe that we use the various gifts in different ways for the glory of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I would like to use the Bible to discuss the topics of talents, gifts, people groups, sin and its consequences, and relate these things to the modern day term of racism. Let us start with talents and gifts.  First off we have the parable of the talents in the New Testament (Although a “talent” referred to a sum of money back then.), however the scripture in Matthew chapter 25 gives us a picture of how the Lord alone decides who gets what and how much.  Here is Mathew 25: 24-28 saying…
Then the man who had received one talent came ‘Master’ he said I knew you were a hard man harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not gathered seed. So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you. His master replied “you wicked and lazy servant!” So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed? Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest. Take the talent form him and give it to the one who has ten talents. For everyone who has will be given more and he will have an abundance.
The end of the parable states that he took from the one who had only one talent and gave to the good and faithful servant who had ten. (Not exactly what socialists had in mind?) Now this does not refer to races of people it does illustrate the point that the Lord gives based upon abilities and gifts that the Lord has ordained. The other important part of this parable is the statement that the master harvests where he has not sown.  This illustrates the point that the Lord has reserved the right to allocate resources as he sees fit even giving to those that are already in abundance. Another point is that it clearly defines that even the fields that you work are His before they are yours.  Here is a brief point about socialism there are two things that make the scripture incompatible with socialists or progressives: First, is that the Lord reserves the right to give abundantly to the wealthy if He sees fit. Second, the results of your labor are the Lords before they are even ours. Therefore by taking wealth or land from some, and keeping it, or giving to those socialists deem worthy they are attempting to replace God’s will with their own. Progressives always believe that they know better than anyone how to create a successful society. This scripture also illustrates the principles of eternity and the desire for the Lord to give HIS abundance to HIS children. (This parable refers to the kingdom of heaven but clearly has some wisdom for how the Lord operates here on earth.)  Therefore we can conclude that there are various degrees of material resources given by our Lord based upon His will as well as the abilities He gave us. I am not making this point to say that resources are based upon race. The point I am trying to make is that regardless of how unfair it appears on the surface the Bible is clear that He is in charge and sovereign over everything and therefore it is not the job of man to decide who gets what and the recognition of that fact does not make you a bigot.  I want to go to I Corinthians chapter 12: 18-23
 But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body. The eye cannot say to the hand,”I don’t need you!” One the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker is indispensable, and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor.
This scripture is referring to the total body of Christians and since it is my view that the Lord wishes to save all mankind this is a proper illustration on how He would will His people to act. Again this is not based upon race, but is an illustration of how the Lord ordains the abilities that we can bring to the table in regards to fellowship with all believers and therefore has a direct correlation on what job or jobs we are to do for Him. The first scripture dealt with resources that are monetary. This is dealing with ability such as leadership, prophecy, teaching, and mercy; basically all of the gifts of the spirit. I know this is referring to the church but, it is keeping with my point that people are differing in abilities which will manifest itself in earthly results. Remember the Lord does not differentiate between gifts; it is man and his wickedness that deems leadership above service. Our lack of understanding of the eternal does not make God somehow unfair. The second scripture deals with people’s results or achievements here on earth and I am continuing to say that race does not play a factor so it seems as if this is not relevant to our discussion but it is. I would like to briefly go back and break down the modern definition of racism and its ramifications. You will find that if you acknowledge differences in abilities from one person to another and assign those differences as hereditary or spiritually originated you are branded a racist. The reason for this is the second part of the above mentioned definition which again states “Usually involving the idea that one’s race is superior and has the right to rule over others.” Listen to what is being said here. The first part is declaring that the belief in these cultural differences can manifest themselves in results is racist because it USUALLY involves one’s race believing they have the right to rule. Now to every fair minded person the second part of the definition discussing one’s superiority over another is the part that is morally offensive to our Lord. Notice how the first part of the definition tries to prove the second part. As if the way of thinking that I have displayed, is dangerous because it can lead to an attitude of superiority. It would be great (for the progressive) if the definition could have said that the first part always leads to the second part, but if does not always end in oppression. It is clear that part one does not have a constant correlation to the result alluded to; therefore the definition is theoretical at best and irrational at worst if taken to the levels that we now see today. This is clearly an attempt to state that what I think in regards to where resources and abilities come from will result in my attempt to persecute others if I am able. Clearly this has happened, but I will contend that sin and a life apart from Jesus Christ opens the door for these sinful usurpations of people’s natural rights not merely the acknowledgement that I believe my point to be true. More on this later but I want to get back to the scripture.  Paul, in the book of I Corinthians, has eloquently stated that in the body of Christ the equality of ourselves in our human condition of sin will keep us from exalting ourselves above another brother because of earthly blessings. The least shall be first and exalted on high. There is gratitude to be a part of the family of God no matter where you are placed.
Let’s turn to the issue of people groups and see whether abilities, sins, or blessings are given or taken away in a generational or multi generational way. That’s a different way of saying that the sins or blessings of the father will fall on the son. We can know through the example of the Israelites in the book of Numbers 14:18-23
The Lord is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished: he punishes the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation. In accordance with your great love, forgive the sin of these people, just as you have pardoned them from the time they left Egypt until now. The Lord replied, “I have forgiven them, as you asked, Nevertheless, as surely as I live and as surely as the glory of the Lord fills the whole earth, not one of the men who saw my glory and the miraculous signs I performed in Egypt and in the desert but who disobeyed me and tested me ten times not one of them will ever see the land I promised on oath to their forefathers.
 First of all, what a glorious picture of salvation, grace, mercy and the consequences of sin. (I would love to unpack all of that, but I can do that another time.) We do see that the people of the Israelite race were dealt with collectively in regards to the promises of God that dealt with the people of God. One whole generation including Moses was to die off before that race could enter into the Promised Land given by God. Do not misunderstand me here this has nothing to do with how many out of that generation will see the kingdom of heaven that was and is an individual and personal decision between the Lord and the individual. This passage clearly indicates a multi-generational approach to the consequences of sin as well as the blessings of God in regards to the things of God here on earth, again none of this dictates whether an individual chooses to receive Jesus Christ as his/her personal savior that is a personal matter. I want to pause right here and dive into sin real quick. This is really where you can see the term racism running afoul of the scripture. We all here statistics about crime in certain neighborhoods that are predominantly a certain color. The progressive will immediately talk about the reasons for this is social or socio-economic. They will claim that the system of government we have has aided and abetted the crime in an area. They will talk about more education and more access to services that could help the poor and on and on. Now it is possible that some of these things could be improved, but what if you believe that these areas are not the root cause of the problems in that community. You might get away with discussing the need for spiritual outlets or an increase in job training, but what if your explanation went deeper then that. What if you began to discuss the fatherlessness rate being exponentially higher in that community, and then stated that generations of this epidemic have caused this and made it known that this particular group of people had a larger problem in that area than your particular group of people. You would immediately get called a racist or being stereotypical, close minded or maybe even a hate monger. Even if your information is accurate your hypothesis on what the problem is would be invalid, why? Simply stated the word sin cannot exist in the discussion. This is the real reason that the definition of the term is worded as it is. Because any mention of particular sin that does in fact have very real multi-generational consequences is viewed as a racist statement and therefore invalid. The reason is that it violates their definition of the term, because it states that there are sins that were brought in by previous generations and if unchecked will have the exact same results in that family or community. Remember they don’t believe in cultural distinctives, which do mirror sin. That is why you cannot point out sin. I will attest that since we are sheep who have all gone astray we will act exactly like we are shown to do unless the Lord teaches us another way. This principle will manifest itself generation after generation in a family, race of people or culture good or bad.
Based on what we can gleam from the Bible we can deduce three important points relevant to our discussion. Number one, contrary to modern progressive views there is an almighty omnipotent creator and he does have something to say about the talents and gifts that people have. Number two, we can see that the Lord takes sin very seriously and punishes accordingly. Number three, consequences to sin can have an effect that is directly linked to race and/or family lineage. My point is that the Lord does not comment on “racism”, but he does comment on his sole sovereignty in regards to wealth, spiritual gifts, sin, people groups and consequences for sin. The point of all of these scripture references is to point out that the modern day liberal will tell you that your belief in why and how people receive gifts and talents is based upon an elitist and racist position. What they are really saying is that if you believe that our creator endows us with certain gifts and they are tied to ancestry in some ways or you understand that sin does attack whole races of people then you are morally wrong and a racist. They presuppose the assumption that since some have used this attitude to oppress others therefore the belief in some hereditary links to results means you do have an attitude of superiority. They will make you believe that you cannot have one without the other. This is not only wrong but not congruent with the scripture.
Another reason the definition of “racism” is not compatible with scripture is it does not deal with the issue of sin and people groups (which I alluded to in the last paragraph). A lot of our modern definitions, especially this topic of racism, completely ignore sin and its consequences. This is a major reason for why liberals and socialists can justify their positions because they can ignore Biblical truths. We have seen through scripture that sin is real and has far reaching implications for whole groups of people. I could give more evidence scripturally on this issue but you can do that on your own time suffice to say there is insurmountable Biblical evidence to support the idea that the Lord gives and takes away from families, races and nations based upon His will and the sin or righteousness of that group of people.
So we have established three things. One, that racism is a modern term. Two, what that modern definition is. And three, what the Bible has to say about a portion of the definition. So what does all this mean? In my view it is almost a self evident truth that races and people groups are different from one another not only in customs, but in abilities as well. We have been taught that this viewpoint amounts to a morally flawed statement. I will contend that this is morally offensive and wrong only to the progressive. There is no moral statement of superiority or any hint of adding or subtracting from the equality of man under heaven in relation to God in that statement. It is a statement based upon simple observations of the people you meet and sizing that up with a common sense approach to the history of that people group as well as your own. Where did such a benign statement become something that is as morally wrong as the violation of the Ten Commandments? The simple answer is that those who are progressive have created the term, the definition for the term and how you are to use it. Therefore they have created a new set of moral maxims in regards to the topic of racism and have demanded that we tow the line. As usual people do not want to discuss the topic of sin. Christians and conservatives alike know that holding malice in your heart towards another human being for any reason at all is SIN not “racism”.   The progressive has to create this new morality and dismantle the old one because they cannot achieve power without racism. This goes back to the old Soviet system and Karl Marx who used these same set of rules with different terms. There was not the term racism, but classism was then created. People were divided into two groups of haves and have-nots (proletariat and the bourgeoisie). Just like today, the rules of what was acceptable to believe and speak about were set in place. Not dissimilar to a new and twisted doctrine of a new faith. Lastly, both movements must use the new morality that they have created to replace the set of precepts that we have always held to such as the Constitution and the Ten Commandments. Socialism, liberty and Christianity cannot coexist because socialism in its infancy always imitates the other two before eliminating them when it is all grown up until a totalitarian regime. This is why it is so easy to find moral flaws in socialism because all of their morality is in opposition to the Bible’s set of precepts.  Once you realize the truth about the history of progressives and the Bible and incorporate that into how you see the world they cannot deceive you anymore. Moreover, you prove them wrong by not espousing venomous hate towards people groups. Just the antithesis happens. Your wisdom of others gifts and your joy in the Lord allows you to honor the “diversity” and revel in it as Christ ordained. It amazes me that liberals have hi-jacked the term “diversity” yet in there very definition of racism they concede that there is not significant difference in abilities between people groups that we can admire. Diversity cannot exist in order for socialism to progress anyway. If people believe in the sovereign Lord and grow grateful for our gifts, we then embrace our brothers in Christ that can do things that we can’t, and rejoice for their abilities. Then the idea that we need a government to make things equal is unnecessary. Equality of results becomes unwanted because we know that these things do not square up with the character of our Lord. Moreover we see that freedom from sin and tyranny may require risk (in regards to monetary security) the reward is worth it. An example of this principle in scripture comes from Paul who in Philippians wrote;
 “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation whether well fed or hungry whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Paul had a peace that surpasses all understanding. Therefore, the idea of equality of results and status would have robbed him of the tremendous journey that the Lord brought him through. Do you really believe Paul would have traded his life in the Lord for comfort from the Roman government? The answer is a resounding, no! (Remember that was an option for Paul because he was a Roman citizen.) To conclude let’s break this down into two categories the new morality and the Christian morality. The new morality does not allow for differences in abilities endowed by a creator. Christian morality does. The new morality creates right and wrong based upon social morals and whether you adhere to them. Christian morality bases moral maxims on the law of the Old Testament, and the grace of the New Testament. (Actually the whole Bible is a picture of grace, but that is another topic.) The new morality says that if we make sure everyone from every ethnic group has exactly the same results then we will all achieve peace and happiness. The Christian morality says that peace that surpasses all understanding comes from the Lord (paraphrase from Philippians).To  sum up the new morality bases everything on what we can create the Christian morality bases everything on what the Lord can bestow upon us, beginning with the forgiveness of sins.
To conclude this is not an anti-capitalist agenda either. To the contrary capitalism allows for all of these things to be worked out by the Lord without the impediment of government intrusion. Ultimately, the only way that we can have freedom from sin including the sin of hatred and elitism towards others is through the saving grace of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. This same freedom from sin can exist in a nation in the form of freedom from tyranny, but we must throw off these “new” moral precepts of socialism and cloth ourselves in the righteousness of the living Word of God. The morality of a nation will not happen without a change of the heart of each individual. I hope this has brought you closer to the Lord, Jesus Christ and gave you a fresh perspective in the issues of the day. Read your Bible people, it is relevant no matter what progressives say! I know this may have been hard to follow and I am not sure I discussed it clearly enough. I wanted you, the reader, to take time to think about some of these new “isms” and decide for yourself if they make sense. The things I have written are not set in stone fair minded men can disagree but let’s stop letting the left wing progressives just scream expletives at us as citizens and we just except it. Lastly, although the term racism was discussed in this writing I hope you the reader understand that I was using that example, because it is the most frequently used tool by progressives. It is imperative that you understand that this is not about hatred or bigotry it is about progressives telling all of us how we are supposed to think and that they know what is best for our lives even as far as morality is concerned. Do not be fooled any longer especially if you are a member of a minority group, because you are being used to achieve power for those that wish to enslave us all under the auspices of a benevolent fatherly government. Ultimately, my goal is to cause others to test all of these new ideas and see if they pass the logic test. If you do, you will find that these “new” ideas are not so new and although the terminology is different we have seen this before. We have seen how it starts (healthcare, roads, promises of economic recovery, etc.), and we see how it ends (Anyone remember World War II?). Ecclesiastes tells us that there is nothing new under the sun, and yes the Bible is right about that too!

Lessons From the Strawberry Patch

Yesterday, we went out as a family to a used book sale at a church here in town and then went to a strawberry farm to pick strawberries. I was also able to get my oldest take a horseback ride, which was good because she is normally afraid of large animals so it was a big fear taken away hopefully. At the end of the day my wife stated to me that she had fun and asked if I did as well and I replied that I had enjoyed our time. About an hour later the Holy Spirit bought what I am about to write to my attention. It had to be the Holy Spirit because I cannot believe in and of myself I would be able to get something out of strawberry picking and a horseback ride, but I guess I did.
I recalled a conversation that I had with a brother in Christ just recently about how some tumultuous times in my life had made it hard for me to even play with the kids. My mind connected the struggle to play with my kids at that time to the easy and blessed day that I just received. I concluded that the reason for this change of spirit could not be linked to change in circumstances because some of the problems are still prevalent so I realized that the change in my time with my children really was attributed to who I am apart from Christ. Essentially all of this was used to teach me why it is so hard for us to do what God has called us to do. I don’t want to get into a doctrinal statement about the depravity of the human condition. I do however want to share with you what I think practically it means in our lives or at the very least my life.
It seems that we struggle with spending time with our kids, reading the bible, being a good husband (or wife), prayer, diligence towards all of these things and probably many more things. In all of the things just stated we can encompass the blessings of God. Let’s think about some things we don’t struggle with like, having some “me time”, watching tv, sleeping in rather then working, etc. All of these things are abominations to the Lord (not specifically but the attitudes that are present to waste time in these areas are abominations.) So the next time you think you are actually a good person try to remember what comes easy and natural to you and what you struggle to do and then evaluate where these activities fall in regards to God’s will and blessings for your life. To sum up, how gracious must our God be to go through all of the pain He has to go through for us, and even as Christians we still struggle with spending any time in His word and with the blessings that are our families. You still think you are a good person, better think again!