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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Workout Wisdom

I was working out yesterday at the park locally. This park is perfect because it has a half mile obstacle course so I can cross train a little bit. I was feeling a little weak physically as well as spiritually probably due to some concerns about when we are going to get a permanent home (biblically speaking a larger tent!).  To compound the issue it was my day to do some pull ups, my weakest area in regards to my training. So I felt a little bit lethargic and somewhat bummed out, therefore I wasn’t terribly motivated and for some reason my pre workout was not getting me some get up and go that day. All of this led me to feel weak and a little discouraged.

I then had a thought about how maybe it was ok to feel weak. I immediately responded with a hardy “no it’s not ok” (not out loud this was internal I’m not crazy!) I then proceeded to try to get two more reps then my goal that I had made just a few minutes earlier. So I guess that was all the motivation I needed because I did exceed my goals for the day, praise the Lord! Anyway I went through the first two cycles of my back workout (the pull ups). Before continuing on with the third and final circuit I remembered that two nights before I was not feeling weak and unmotivated but rather strong and highly motivated. Frankly I was pumping myself up a little too much! I was feeling a little frustrated and telling the Lord how I have been obeying Him for some time and I was getting anxious for some movement on His part. I could have used a little help from the book of Phillipians that night but for a little while I wasn’t thinking in that direction at all! It was ok that I spoke about my frustrations candidly with my Lord, after all He is a big savior, but I took it too far and was throwing a fit inside of my head and I was getting all screwed up in my mind. I moved right past normal anger at sin, which can be managed to getting ticked off that I was not getting some comfort. Like I said I was throwing a bit of a tantrum in my thoughts! I took a walk to cool down and I was simultaneously thinking of how “strong” the Lord has made me, which was true when I stay in Him. However, I was just getting more ticked off. Then I remembered why the Lord has me train and work out to begin with. This was not given to me just to be physically strong and show some evidence of change in my life, both true, but there was one more reason. It was meant to be a tool to cope with my wicked flesh and this sinful world in a healthy manner and I was not utilizing it properly. So I started jogging and sparring as I ran and asking the Lord to forgive me for my sinful thoughts. After about 15 minutes I had worked it out and although I wanted to do more it was time to get some rest  so I went inside and rested peacefully praise God!

Back to yesterday! Before I began that final circuit I thought about both scenarios and how both are unhealthy. I think we have been told enough that getting into a rage even in your head is not biblical. The book of James tells us to be “slow to anger…” or put another way allow the Lord to remind you of who He is and handle your anger. Thinking that you are weak and inferior is dangerous too. After all if I wouldn’t have done these pull ups because I was too discouraged I wouldn’t have been able to write this. I also would not have been able to get out from under my discouragement and get those extra reps to eradicate that weak feeling. So after the workout I felt strong and content. I felt the same way after my late night jogging and sparring sessions a couple of nights before.

So as it turns out my little workouts and shadow boxing has been a  successful tool to calm me down and build me up. I also thought that maybe the end of both workouts could be an example of biblical humility. Meaning once you learn to use the tools the Lord gives you to keep from getting too high on yourself in pride or too low on discouragement you can stay where you need to be. It’s funny that both of these scenarios describe forgetting attributes of who God is and that’s when you get out of whack. My anger was that I forgot  about the cross paying for my sin. My discouragement was that I forgot about the empty tomb which guarantees my victory. When you remember the truth and use the tools you are given you can sit in peaceful, Godly, humble living.

You are not made to stay weak and not made to glory in yourself you’re meant to “seek justice, love mercy, walk humbly with your God..” Man it’s hard to stay where you need to be but praise the Lord we have an advocate in Christ Jesus!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Tyranny of Liberalism

Below is a piece I wrote before I was informed about the Kermit Gosnell trial but I mentioned in my earlier post about how the case wasn’t just about abortion, but rather every ugly progressive cause coming to light, I thought I would just post some thoughts about liberalism in general. There is a lot to cover about these issues and I am painting with a broad brush with these posts so I hope if you are reading this, don’t just believe me I hope you start asking questions about what you see today as well. I guess I am apologizing in advance for leaving a lot of detail out but because this is a blog and not a book I kind of have to.
 I have struggled mightily with how to articulate what is going on in our world and in our churches. I have spent hours pondering how to encapsulate all the events of today into a discernible statement to help the church understand what is going on in our world. I have tried to begin with the defining issue of our time “racism” and explain what it really is, where it came from and how it even effects what we believe doctrinally, but I don’t know if that is sufficient to explain everything. I have begun to write about Marxism and all of it’s perils and the horrors of what it grows up to be, communism, but that is just another piec e of the puzzle. I have lamented the destruction caused on communities by the tenants of all these doctrines, dogmas and ideas most commonly known as liberalism but I wonder if people understand how Marxism, racism, liberalism, diversity education, women’s rights, abortion and even the civil rights movement are all linked up together. Well I think some people do but I believe it is deeper then that and moreover the root beginning of what I believe to be a hell hatched hoax designed to oppress all people is more spiritual then physical. The teachings of Karl Marx, the civil rights movement, the incessant and delusional focus on race and class, diversity in education are all a new morality forced upon our once great nation.  Even a casual observer of politics and world events has seen how problematic it is to challenge these mirages pretending to be bedrocks of some new society. As I have tackled Marxism and racism on one of my writings and what they really are we need to go further. I am hesitant to begin this discussion because I would be remiss if I didn’t attack directly what progressives, liberals, and/or Marxists have caused and where it started. This will probably be the hardest point to drive home and take the most time but it has to be done.
I must discuss the protected class politically. The term minority outside of the land of liberalism means a group of people that are small in number. The definition of minorities has since expanded to anyone liberals think they can make political headway with. Some would say that they are championing the little guy or the one that is being oppressed. I have decided to take the side of truth and stand on it to refute this argument.  What I mean is that I am not going to spend any time defending the positions of fundamentalism, Christianity, Conservatism, tea party patriots and then comparing and contrasting these points of view with all of the tenants of liberalism individually. I reserve the right to clarify positions taken by the above mentioned groups and line them up with Bible based Chrisitanity and a world view based upon those truths but I am not here to argue. That has been done and it doesn’t work. I have found that the most effective strategy in regards to fighting the truth war in any arena is to simply declare it without defending it and that is what I seek to do. That being said I will be forced to discuss the 500 pound elephant in the middle of the room and that is racism, what it really means, and what liberalism has done the community it first invaded the black community. The effectiveness of infiltrating the churches and communities of blacks in America is where liberalism found it’s most success and has sought to duplicate that success in every other group in America and unfortunately has continued to have success. (In regards to what racism is check out my “Are you a Racist” post from sometime last year.)
There is not just a spiritual component to the strategy of Marxist liberals the attacks are overtly spiritual. The destruction of a communities faith most notably their churches is essential for a Marxist to have success. We have too often thought of liberalism as a political movement and that is what it has become but at it’s genesis it was and still is a spiritual movement that has political ramifications. (Discussions about progressives, the president, and how it relates to the black community is discussed is “Saul Alinsky, Barack Obama and Corey Booker parts 1-3) The Bible teaches us that we will know men by their fruit. There is a process that is unseen that takes place in any growth in agriculture. The seed is planted in plain sight but the growth is largely underground and unseen if it is good. The Bible discusses the parable of the seeds that were scattered in different places and what happens to them. The good seed finds good soil grows down and out first to attain a good root and eventually up and finally produces good crops some 10 and some 100 fold. There is an unseen process before the fruit is visible and it is time consuming. All the others seeds mentioned in the parable have different symptoms but the same results in the end. They do not yield good fruit that multiplies and lasts. There is one other difference between something God planted and something man planted. What our Lord plants takes time and goes through the proper process to yield good fruit. All the others either spring up quickly like weeds and do not yield fruit while others are not tended properly and therefore don’t yield consistent good crop as intended. In other words movements either spring up one day and are gone the next (false prophets) or they get taken over by the enemy and the growth is choked out. I am not sure whether the civil rights movement was a bad seed or weed from the beginning or it was well intentioned but was choked out by the enemy, but I do know that it has had a generation and has not produced good crops in the community that it targeted and this is important to identify. We have to point out that liberals crowning achievement (the civil rights movement of the 1960’s) has produced destruction in the community that it claimed to care about and uplift.
If you don’t believe me get on the Detroit News or Detroit Free Press website and check out the budget problems going on in Detroit, check out the drop in population, the dilapidated homes, and crime rates that have consistently been some of the highest in the nation. With labor unions and democratic politicians running this place for years you would think that this should be their crowning achievement. The way these people talk Detroit should be a light to the world about how great life is when progressives get what they want, but the place is a dump. Recently I read an article that said that private business is providing the city with emergency response vehicles because the city does not have the money in the budget. The town is a wreck and outside of the local papers in Detroit the liberals won’t even discuss Detroit. These people destroy communities blame other people for it and then run away from the ones they claimed to care about when their lives are in shambles.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Trial of the Century

The Kermit Gosnell trial is the most important trial in the last 100 years it terms of the spiritual ramifications for the American society and the American church. I am convinced that the Lord is going to ask us for an account about what we as believers have to say about what went on at 3801 Lancaster Ave in Philadelphia Pennsylvania since 1972. I am further convinced that a professing believers apathy to this( if they are informed) is a good barometer of where they are spiritually. Paul exhorts us to “test ourselves to see if we are in the faith “ and the Lord gives us opportunities to verify our authenticity as a believer and this is one such instance for the nation as a whole, the church and the individual. For all of these reasons stated and many more to be explained by myself and countless other believers, we must not stop discussing this issue and juxtaposing all that this horror show represents with the truth of the Gospel. I am further convinced that people that are of the fence may be because they are uninformed and some may be in the camp of the progressives for the same reason. The scripture says “my people perish for lack of knowledge” meaning knowledge of the truth not just random knowledge. Light drives out darkness, truth tramples on lies and the Lord wins in the end so we must speak now and never stop. I am not sure how many people just don’t know about the horrors of the devil through progressives but I am convinced that it is my job as a believer to tell them. Tell the truth and let the Holy Spirit do the work.
I have decided to dedicate as many writings as needed to discussing this trial and laying out the case that the horror of this one abortion clinic is not the whole story. Moreover I think the case needs to be made that this is exposing satan’s minions who call themselves progressives for who they are. This is not just abortion this is all the enemies lies being exposed about everything that he has done for the last 40 years to innocent babies and everyone he and they claimed to care about. This is also laid at the door step of every social gospel promulgator who gave people a gospel based on their rights and not God’s grace. This is laying guilt on every church that thought other issues outside of abortion were more important. Their foolishness and lack of understanding does not exclude them from their guilt, because if myself and others can read the Word of God and see that progressives are evil and everyone they claim to care about ends up being destroyed spiritually and physically then they should have known as well. My insight on this is not unique or because some inside information nor was it due to some gene of extra intelligence, it was given by God through His Word! Not only should I know the ways of God and the enemy as a believer you should too! I am sometimes angered that some of my professed brothers don’t understand that live flesh and blood people are sold out tools of the enemy and they are doing it deliberately!  I’m tired of the fairy tales masquerading as truth by scoundrels in the pulpit while their communities starve to death spiritually and physically! The fatherless have no comforter, the single mother’s children are killed out of convenience and all the while churches are filled all over this country! Whey then is the country this bad? Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there not a God in Israel? The country has ignored abortion and thought that these social issues of race, class, and rights were more important. Well if they were then where are these fake gospel promulgators because Karnamaya Mongar the 41 year old immigrant who couldn’t even speak English was drugged to death by this monster and his staff. IF you frauds cared about her rights whey are you not outraged. Was she not poor, an immigrant, a minority I thought you folks cared about these people? Then why are the true believers that you progressives scoff at the only one’s upset about this? How in the world did the death of 22 year old Semika Shaw in 2002 never receive national coverage.  She died after complications from one of Gosnell’s abortions and her family was awarded damages through an insurance settlement of which Gosnell’s insurance provider covered $400,000 (P.195 grand jury report) and the state of Pennsylvania through  their catastrophic loss fund contributed some money to the family as well (P. 180 grand jury report) I guess nothing stops the death mill even if the state has to pay for it! Satan and his minions love death so much they are wiling to pay people off just to keep killing! Obviously they was no prosecution warranted and the reason why and their cavalier and condescending attitude towards the death of this young woman may surprise some so this quote is for you, as for my people who know progressives already this will not surprise you:
“The underlying malpractice case involved the death of a 22 year old female following the termination of her 5th pregnancy….although the incident is tragic especially in light of the age of the patient, the risk was inherent with the procedure performed by the respondent (Gosnell) and administrative action against repondent’s license is not warranted.” (P. 175 grand jury report)
Let me translate that for you. Even though satan’s people want abortion on demand and they want it to be safe if you die it was your fault! Thus the comment about her 5th termination, the hypocrites scream when we bring these points up but the minions just justified the death because she had terminated too many before. And another thing I thought this was supposed to be safe so why was there an “inherent risk” to what is supposed to be a “safe” procedure? Why the hypocrisy? Because they are the devil’s people and their father LIES!
Well if you’re a progressive your must be still holding on to that trump card! Well us Christians are still racist, well get ready to surrender that as well, here we go:
“Like if a girl – the black population was – African population was big here. So he didn’t mind you medication the African American girls, your Indian girl, but if you have a white girl from the suburbs oh, you better not medicate her. You better wait until he go in and talk to her first. And one day I said something to him and he said that was the way of the world. Huh? And he brushed it off and that was it..” (p.62 grand jury report)
Folks these people hate babies because they hate everyone. That man said that because he knew that the black girls weren’t going to tell on him the white girl just might! Progressives use their people while they treat those whom they think are powerful with respect.  These people that had the abortions are still guilty I know it seems like I am eradicating them of any responsibility, I am not! I just think this is an opportunity to uncover all the dirty little secrets and bring them out into the light. The reason I am bringing this up is to attack the lies that cause people to defend these ridiculous causes like abortion, equal rights, women’s right to choice, affirmative action and on and on. Progressives just want power they don’t care who they manipulate to get it. The fake Christian who has championed there causes out of ignorance is still guilty because they should have known. This isn’t just about abortion. the stench of this is far and wide and the shrieks of the dead babies in that clinic is the end fruit of horrible lies told by the enemy for a long time.
The reason that this case is so important is because it puts abortion front and center where it belongs to be.  Politicians don’t care about it but we the people do. I almost certain that there are others who are angry about abortion and know that this case does represent all that has been wrong with liberal progressives and fake Christians and I think both are to blame for all of this. I am not sure how I am going to articulate the truth about abortion and every other progressive lie but all Bible believing people must attempt to shed light on this. Some of my thoughts and writings have discussed progressives how evil they are so I will continue to do so and I will also continue to paint all progressives causes for what they are and not what they appear to be. I think there are more people like me out here then the elites would like to believe so maybe all of these emotional thoughts on paper make sense to others and not just me. There has to be more to come about these things from and me and many others, so I will do my little part and not let these issues die.