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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Theological Constructs

This may be my shortest entry yet. There will be no background about this subject, therefore this will be a declaration rather then an essay. I was meditating in all of the theological constructs that we have out there. A millennialism, Pre Millennialism, Dispensationalism,Calvinism,Armenianism, Covenant Theology and many others. Logic tells us that some of these are grains of truth and some are heretical. I will declare to you that where you stand on the answer to the questions about these subjects does not matter very much. At best the lifelong study of one of these, even if the one you study is true, is a life dedicated to a grain of sand compared to the truth of the gospel. That is a life for a believer that is an abject failure for the cause of Christ. At worst it is the belief that the intellectual understanding of that truth actually has the power to save you. Either way why would you base your life on just the study of these subjects. The results do not matter for eternity!

I would also pray that my brothers and sisters pray for me because this writing may be a spring board for what my true calling may be here in this world. Stay tuned for details!