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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Saul Alinsky, Barack Obama, and Corey Booker Part 1

For those who don’t know who the other two men that are mentioned let me give a brief description, and a casual glance at all three of these men is all that is necessary. The connection between the three and what they tell us about democrats and what is going on in the world today is more important then these men. Some are still trying to get a handle on who the president is, and talking about the other two men will give us a picture of who he really is and who some democrats thought he was. Lastly, I will break this up into 3 sections and compare and contrast what the Bible says and what Saul Alinsky says and in the end celebrate what I think the good news is for a harvest of souls for the kingdom of Christ.

First of all Saul Alinsky was the first community organizer who based his operations in Chicago and largely targeted the black community to begin a ground swell of revolution in the 1960’s for a socialistic government. He was a confessed communist in the neo Marxist sense and believed in a slow calculated revolution. He believed in camouflaging yourself inside government institutions, communities, and most notably churches. He wrote his last book called “Rules for Radicals” that was published in 1971 around the time he died.  Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Chris Matthews are at least 3 prominent democrats who have publicly declared this man’s influence on what they believe. In a nutshell he believed that if you constantly agitate the people towards being discontent and convince them that their discontent comes from an unfair system of government you can cause change in that system of government and eventually eradicate Christian dogma and communism can flourish. He believed that you should never take a stand on any issue and at the same time constantly make the Christian imparticular live up to their own belief system and when we can’t he says that we should be called out on it. He also is where we get the democratic manta of never let a tragedy go to waste, meaning never forget to use calamity for political gain. Simply put he was the embodiment of a wolf in sheep’s clothing politically speaking! 

 I could go on further and I will in the second part, but I will stop there because it is more important to understand two things before we move on to Corey Booker. Number one that people who call themselves progressives believe in the tactics and ideals that have been eluded to above and will be described in detail later, and they use these tactics religously. Number two, all of the communities that this has been started in have been black, therefore it easy to conclude that the black community was the target group for this camouflaged neo marxist revolution. I will leave the question of why for you to ponder on your own time. I have my opinions on that subject and I think they are important, but not for the purposes of this discussion.
Although the president clearly remains an enigma for some I think we can know him by understanding who influenced him, but who is Corey Booker and why am I bringing him up? Corey Booker is a two term Democratic mayor of Newark New Jersey which is an extremely rough city with a lot of problems. He made some waves recently by Speaking about Mitt Romney, Bain capital and private equity. Mr. Booker did not stay on talking points and he was critical of Obama’s attacks upon Bain capital and private equity as a whole. This doesn’t mean that he is conservative or even that he will not support Obama. He did state that he still supports Obama. This speaks to a larger issue and I think his comments are a picture of a greater disturbance that we have politically. Speaking about issues outside of the framework of the talking points that are handed down to the media is not done in Washington by both parties, as a matter of fact talk radio is the only avenue of the media where true uninhibited discussion ensues. This was somewhat courageous by Mr. Booker and I am not sure he had anything to gain politically unless he plans on switching parties. Then again they stay on “talking points” when they speak to the media as well so going off either parties reservation will not help you inside the beltway. We have already seen the tea party make a change in our political landscape and Corey Booker’s comments may be representative of what some have to be thinking on the democratic side. So the real question is why did he make these comments and am I correct that this is a sign of something brewing in the hearts of minds of some liberals most notably the black community. Much like this essay is not about Barack Obama it is also not about Corey Booker it is about what I believe they represent. Most notably a divide between Alinsky progressives and fair minded democrats that must be scratching their heads in disbelief at this point.   

 As I alluded to earlier what is important here is to question why did he say what he said on national television. He is seen as a rising star in the democratic party and by some reports may have been lobbying for a cabinet position or possibly a run at the United States Senate. With that in mind why would you say something that you know would anger some of the people that you could be rubbing shoulders with? My thought is that either there are power brokers in Washington on the democratic side that want this man out (referring to the President,) maybe just because they don’t like Obama. It also could be that some don’t think he is an effective catalyst for the progressive end game. It also could be that there are powerful people in the democratic party that are not progressive and are starting to see how ugly this party has become. Could it also be that Corey Booker just decided to speak the truth because he wanted to say how he saw things. Anyway you slice it there is some change brewing in the democratic party and I think it is worth paying attention to.

Moreover regardless of Corey Booker’s motives for what he said  he represents what some that are not card carrying progressives may really believe and hopefully these comments could inspire others to get off the democratic plantation, Mr. Booker included. More importantly he could represent a possible change in the black community towards the president and this is of the utmost importance for a variety of reasons.
The first and most ironic is that we are seeing some changes in ideas about poltics as well as theology that are not alinsky like, despite the fact that the black community has clearly been the most directly affected by  alinsky’s  ideas and community organization. We can see a divide between the alinsky proselytes such as Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama and Al Sharpton and what the general black community as well as the other blue dog democrats think and believe. I have also been encouraged to see people and pastors that have been seen as  liberal in their theology  (in some circles,) speak about the importance of sound  theology and question democratic belief  structures (I am not going to name drop in regards to big name pastors here, because this is not about that.)

I do not think that this will create a turn around politically for the United States. I actually think this is the beginning of a move of God spiritually, and I am not sure if the political elite will even recognize it. I hope I am wrong about that. However I am excited about the opportunities that are going to be available to the believer in regards to how to witness to these souls that could be ripe for harvest. There will be more Corey Booker’s black and white who will start to wonder about their party, their churches and their communities. They are going to have to ask if what I am about to write in the second half of this essay is true, and if it is what does it mean? People are starting to have questions and their will be more in the coming years and we as Christians must have the answers. We must be able to explain Saul Alinsky, Barack Obama and Corey Booker. We must be able to use the Bible for  what it is, a spiritual weapon that rightly divides truth and is sharper then any two edge sword and therefore capable to speak powerfully about what these people believed and most notably who was behind why they believed it!

There is so many trails that I could go down with this subject and those who know my personality and/or writing style can discern that my desire is to try to dive into it all. I am however going to focus on Saul Alinsky’s beliefs and tactics and place them next to scripture to share with you the sharp contrast. I have not and will not talk about the President because who he is will be directly described in the words to come. It is my contention that the analysis that follows will be a vivid picture of who he is and who progressives are. In the end there will be good news and I really believe spiritually there is good news to come, however not without persecution of some sorts, they seem to coincide unfortunately. There will be a revival spiritually, but I am not sure whether it will directly affect the powers at Washington, but it could radically reenergize the Body of Christ!