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Thursday, May 3, 2012

6 Men in Black

I was watching a few minutes of the argument about the health care law in front of the Supreme Court. I was struck by a few things, most notably that Sotomayor, Ginsberg, and Kagan or in the tank for this health care debacle. I was also struck with how we have come full circle here in America. I was thinking that right about this time 225 years ago in Philadelphia a group of men met to discuss the failing Articles of Confederation and after months of debating the constitution was hammered out after a tumultuous debate among the founders. We do not know very much about what was said by these men while they were debating the issues because what was said there needed to stay their.

We are now facing another deliberation by men to decide the fate of this nation. This time it is only 6 men however. I know there are 9 Supreme Court justices, but do you really think there is any debate about how the three ladies are going to vote on this issue! I don’t even think the coming election in November is an important as what happens some time in June in regards to this law. If the law is upheld with or without the mandate, it will not matter who is in the white house freedom is dead!

  By some polls the number of Americans receiving some government assistance is at 40% if you count welfare checks, food stamps, unemployment, Medicaid, and Medicare. I wonder what the percentage would be if you added social security benefits to the list. I know the elderly deserve what they paid in! Which they do, but it is still not money totally based on the function of the market and some will get out far more then they put in. The point is when you think of how much the government is involved in the everyday dealings of our lives can you really believe that we can still be free if Caesar can now tell you what kind of health care you can have? Are you really that naïve to believe that decisions of life and death will not be made for people based on what’s expedient and economical for the government? What are any of us going to be able to say about it if we are in the 40% that is already dependant financially for food and clothing on the government?  Ultimately whose fault is it? It’s your fault if you wanted Caesar to educate, feed, cloth and take care of you and your children don’t get upset when you find out that Caesar wasn’t the benevolent Daddy that you thought he was!

Every time I watched the news about Trayvon Martin, Mitt Romney, or Rick Santorum I wonder does anyone else see that none of this is as relevant to our future as what 6 men in black have to say about the constitutionality of Obamacare!